The Dr. Les Strong altar 
A sign prominently displayed our Club
Luz Maria Sotelo Beltran
For the second time after his passing in 2015, students from the Chapala Preparatoria dedicated a Day of the Dead altar to Dr. Les Strong. The altar was on display at the Festival de Vida y Muerte in Chapala from 30 October - 2 November. Our Club made a donation to assist the school in the presentation of the shrine.
Dr. Strong was an active member of the Rotary Club of Ajijic, and a well known supporter of the Chapala Preparatoria and the education of local students in general.
After the death of Dr. Strong, The Rotary Club of Ajijic set up the Les Strong Scholarship Fund in his memory. Last year 70,000 pesos was donated to fund 25 Preparatoria students.  
Luz (Lucy) Maria Sotelo Beltran is our Club's contact person for both the Chapala and Mezcala Preparatorias.